Specialising in reliable, effective, and environmentally-sounds business utilities procurement.

Your place for efficient energy

We've got you covered every step of the way.

At Direct Trading Solutions, we specialise in reliable, effective, and environmentally-sounds business utilities procurement. No matter whether you need water, electricity, or gas, our business utility experts can help you get the best deal suited for your situation. We place efficient energy and utility procurement at our very core. Procurement of reliable, effective, and environmentally sound business utilities

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Multi-level procurement.

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Basket Procurement

A fully delivered price over a fixed term period, we offer a fixed price energy procurement strategy. Fix your bill at a premium in anticipation of an energy price rise and you could save yourself tenfold.

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Flexible Procurement

Flexible Procurement is a method of purchasing energy on the wholesale markets in multiple segments prior to the point it is consumed. This approach eliminates the price premium risk associated with a fixed energy contract. Our experts closely track the markets to buy your energy requirements at the best times.

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Fully Fixed

At a fully delivered price over a fixed term period, we offer a fixed-price energy procurement strategy, where your total energy requirement is bought in a single transaction.

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PPAs are long-term renewable energy contracts. They are increasingly popular with big companies, SMEs, and local authorities. Why? Because they are a reliable way of decarbonising their electricity consumption, contributing to the energy transition.

Solving your business problems, one step at a time.

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Correct products

Using the correct products is essential for businesses and other organisations that rely on energy to power their operations and support their growth and success. Some common examples of energy products that may be needed by businesses include electricity, natural gas, renewable energy, energy storage, energy management software, and energy-efficient technologies.

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Full disclosure contracts

We provide full disclosure contracts are contracts that include complete and transparent information about the terms, conditions, and obligations of the parties involved. These contracts are designed to provide all parties with a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities and to avoid misunderstandings or disputes that may arise from incomplete or unclear information.

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REGO backed tariffs

REGOs are certificates that are issued to energy suppliers to confirm that the electricity they sell to customers has been generated from renewable sources. By choosing REGO-backed tariffs, businesses and other organizations can support the growth of renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

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Evaluate and manage

Evaluating supplier submissions is the process of reviewing and comparing the proposals and offers from potential suppliers in order to select the best option for your business. This process typically involves reviewing the bids, quotations, or proposals that have been submitted by the suppliers, and assessing them based on a range of criteria such as price, quality, delivery times, and the supplier's reputation and experience.

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Market guidance

We will make sure you understand the market and the changes that are made within it. Energy prices can vary based on a number of factors, including the cost of production, the availability of energy sources, and the demand for energy. As a result, customers may be able to save money by using energy wisely and choosing energy providers that offer competitive rates

Cost tracking

Working with Direct Trading Solutions helps you to keep track of your utility costs to help you prepare more accurate budgets. In turn, this will give you greater insight into your operational costs.

Testimonial regarding procurement
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VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
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VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
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VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company



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